Member-only story
Cocona: Backend Developers Masterchef
Crystallizing Uncommon Libraries
Interviewing can be quite tense and confusing. Just like Masterchef, your goal is to put yourself and your story on a plate for the judges to see if you’re worthy of being a work colleague and live happily together for the rest of your life.
You want to parade your story in the best version possible, so you choose the right recipes with the right ingredients before starting to hussle.
Work smart not hard... right?
As part of my handover, I was told that I should interview some candidates to take my place which is great.
Long story short, we ended up going with one candidate just because he was using Cocona even though others are equally as qualified technically.
The idea is fairly simple. For a Library and Backend Software developer role, you don’t use that much frontend frameworks. You will be only creating libraries to be used by other teams right?
Even thought that does not mean that you should be a complete ignorant of any frontend framework but it's actually more than that. When your whole job is to implement libraries and backend projects, you don’t actually care about buttons and design…